Vanshvel marathi movie is directed by late Rajeev Patil a brilliant director whose work include National Award winning movie Jogwa, he has debuted with film Sawarkhed: ek gaav, his other notable work inclued Sanai Choughade, Pangira, his recent film was 72 mail: ek pravas which was produce by Akshya Kumar and Ashvini Yardi.

Vanshvel movie stars Ankush Chaudhary, Vidya Karanjikar, Namrata Gaikwad, Kishore kadam, Sushant Shelar, Shantanu Gangane, Manisha Kelkar and Usha Naik, film music is given by Amit Raj and lyrics are penned by Saumitra, "Jay Ambe Maa" song which is dandiya song features "18 Marathi Actress".

Movie: Vanshvel (2013)
Star cast: Ankush Chaudhary, Vidya Karanjikar, Namrata Gaikwad, Kishore kadam, Sushant Shelar, Shantanu Gangane, Manisha Kelkar, Usha Naik.
Written by: Damodar Narayan Mankar
Screenplay: Rajeev Patil, Datta Patil
Dialogue: Datta Patil
Cinematographer: Amalendu Chaudhary
Lyrics: Saumitra
Music Director: Amit Raj
Director: Rajeev Patil
Producer: Sunil Damodar Mankar
Released Date: 18th October 2013
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